Then by extension, if time cannot be "counted" for an activity - e.g. helping somebody in the congregation who is sick or infirm - nobody is going to be interested. Never mind the fact that such an act of kindness is likely to make more of a "witness" than any amount of door knocking!
Back in 1983-84, my wife of the time became seriously ill and required a total of three months in hospital. We had three small children, two of whom were preschoolers. To get any assistance in caring for my children, I had to turn to a welfare group that was operated collectively by the local churches. This was a small town in which there were very few secrets, and the irony of all this was in no way lost on these very same local churches.
As for our local congregation, I was accused of "using people" when I attempted to get some help from them. That fact became widely known in the community, too. Hours could not be counted for doing this, so nobody was even remotely interested.
A bloody good example of "Agape" love being displayed by "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" - and thank God for Babylon the Great! (That time, anyway).